As part of the asbestos management process for schools, at least 2 people from each school should have attended Asbestos Awareness Training. Please check that this is the case, if not contact to book the next session which is on Wednesday 12th February 2025. The training is free for maintained schools and completed virtually via TEAMS.
The 5 yearly Premises Manager Training provided by the Health and Safety Service does provide some information on the Council’s processes of asbestos management, however this is not a substitute for Asbestos Awareness Training. This training must be completed in addition to Premises Manager Training.
Asbestos folder contents
Here is a reminder of what you should have in place and/or in your white Asbestos folder:
- Signing Sheet to record the names of those who have been shown the folder
- Asbestos Permit to Work forms for working on or near asbestos
- F21a Asbestos Management Plan completed and reviewed
- Civica annual Asbestos management arrangements questionnaire
- Most recent Asbestos Management survey report (this contains the Asbestos Register)
- Most recent Asbestos re-inspection survey report (Scientific Services are conducting these surveys annually)
- Asbestos Emergency Procedure document
- SC Asbestos Policy (HS021)
- Any refurbishment demolition survey reports
- Completed permits that are now closed
- Any historical information relevant to Asbestos in the building
If you are missing any Asbestos documentation, please contact the