This training is delivered to schools and academies that require an External Visits Coordinator (EVC) to monitor and endorse off-site visits and activities, as part of their outdoor education programme and in line with duties and responsibilities for schools.
Upcoming dates:
9th January 2024 External Visits Coordinator
5th March 2024 External Visits Coordinator
The full-day face to face External Visit Coordinator course is ideal for newly appointed External Visit Coordinators who require an understanding of their roles and responsibilities when monitoring and endorsing off-site visits and outdoor education activities, within their school or educational setting.
The course is also suitable for existing External Visit Coordinators seeking a refresh or update on outdoor education and assesses:
• the barriers and benefits behind off-site visits,
• legal duties,
• planning for the unexpected and
• evaluating off-site visits within your setting.
It will also include a session on the EEC health and safety website, the site used by schools throughout Somerset for its risk assessment and external visit application and endorsement process.
This course is accredited with the Outdoor Education National Panel, the Governing Body that provides guidance on outdoor education nationally for all schools, academies and learning establishments. Bookings are organised by SCIL, log on to find your school/setting price.