Training is available for School Premises Managers and is bookable through SSE , the next course is 22 May 2023. External Visit Co-ordinator training can also be booked through SSE EVC Training on 23 May and 20 June.
The Corporate Health and Safety Unit offer training sessions for schools using Health and Safety platforms such as EEC or RAMIS and this can be arranged by emailing
Premises Manager training is aimed at Headteachers, business managers and anyone within the school setting with Health and Safety responsibilities.
The course covers:
- Overview of Premises Manager responsibilities
- CDM regulations and managing contractors
- Working at height
- Asbestos management
- First aid management
- Incident reporting
- Controlling hazards and reducing risks – Legionella, COSHH, Radon, Electrical safety, Lone working and
- Manual handling
- Managing Fire risk and responding to an incident
This course is bookable through SSE.
Full day EVC courses are at Dillington on 23 May and 20 June. This course is ideal for newly appointed External Visit Coordinators who require an understanding of their roles and responsibilities when monitoring and endorsing off-site visits and outdoor education activities, within their school or educational setting. It is recommended that EVC’s refresh their knowledge every 3 to 5 years, with 5 years as the maximum. The course is also suitable for existing External Visit Coordinators seeking a refresh or update on outdoor education and assesses:
- Barriers and benefits behind off-site visits
- Legal duties
- Planning for the unexpected
- Evaluating off-site visits within your setting
The EVC course also includes a session on the EEC Health and Safety website, the site used by schools throughout Somerset for its risk assessment and external visit application and endorsement process.
Learn more:
- Schools Premises Manager training: SSE and EVC course bookings: EVC Training
- Guidance on Outdoor Education:
- National guidance can be found on the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP) site