The Health & Safety unit in conjunction with The Asbestos Team in Scientific Services have produced two new documents for asbestos management in Somerset Council owned building. The Asbestos Emergency Procedure to be used when asbestos may have been accidently damaged and a ‘signing in’ sheet for contractors and site staff to ensure they are checking the Asbestos register prior to starting any work on the site. A copy of the Emergency Procedure should be added to your Asbestos folder and all staff should be informed of the procedure.

Full Story:

The Asbestos Emergency Procedure in Somerset Council owned buildings outlines what to do if asbestos is discovered or accidently disturbed during work or in the place where you work. Two scenarios are detailed; unexpected discovery of materials that could contain asbestos and damaged materials that may contain asbestos.

A Signing Sheet For Checking The Asbestos Register is also available and should be printed and added to your Asbestos management folder.

Is your onsite Asbestos management folder tidy? Use this list to create a contents page and check your folder contains:

  1. Signing Sheet to record the names of those who have been shown the folder
  2. Permits for working on or near asbestos
  3. F21a Asbestos Management Plan template
  4. Civica annual Asbestos management arrangements questionnaire
  5. Most recent Asbestos management survey report (this contains the asbestos register)
  6. Asbestos Emergency Procedure document
  7. SC Asbestos Policy (HS021)
  8. Any refurbishment demolition survey reports
  9. Completed permits that are now closed
  10. Any historical information relevant to Asbestos in the building

Following consultation with the Asbestos team we are now asking premises managers to add a printed copy of their Asbestos register in their fire emergency grab bag.

Learn more:

Asbestos roof sheets

About this article

June 7, 2023

Pam Price