Helicopter landings at schools are a non-standard risk and as a general rule Somerset Council prefer that schools discourage them. However, an exception is made in the case of armed forces helicopters, and some commercial helicopter companies, where there is a benefit to the school.

New Helicopter Landing Guidance has been written in conjunction with our insurance department and it also includes risk assessment and risk control measures. The school should complete a Helicopter landing on school premises risk assessment (found on EEC under Primary General) and conduct a site visit to check that there is sufficient space for the helicopter to land and that all buildings are secure.

It is a good idea to get a copy of the armed forces risk assessment, and the school should make sure its own risk assessment for this event is compatible with the plans of the armed forces. If in doubt the school should take guidance from the Health and Safety Service by emailing CHSU@somerset.gov.uk.

Please notify the Insurance team using InsuranceMailbox1@somerset.gov.uk with the full details of the helicopter visit when you have a landing date.

About this article

October 17, 2024

Pam Price