A Health and Safety incident refers to an accident, occupational ill health, a near-miss, a dangerous occurrence, an incident of work-related violence or a driving accident while on Somerset Council (SC) business. These incidents need to be recorded using SC’s accident reporting system called B-Safe.
- A near miss is an unplanned event that did not cause injury or damage but could have done. For example, a heavy item fell from height and narrowly missed someone
- A dangerous occurrence is an unplanned event, which meets the criteria for the term contained in the RIDDOR Regulations
- Occupational ill-health can be cited where work activity has caused or contributed to a medical condition. It must be supported by a medical judgement
- Work-related violence refers to incidents of assaults, threats or abuse suffered by employees while at work
- Third parties are non-employees who use SC facilities or buildings. They include pupils, service users, visitors, contractors and other members of the public
- Work-related incidents comprise those, which were at least partially caused by a defect in the state of the premises or equipment, how a situation was organised/managed or by the actions/inaction of the people involved in a work situation
The Corporate Health & Safety Unit (CHSU) reports on incidents across the Council which includes data from B-Safe and other reporting platforms called Assure (housing) and EEC (maintained schools).
How to report an incident:
If you have a B-Safe login use this to access B-Safe and report the incident.
If you do not have a B-Safe login, use the B-Safe Microsoft form to enter the necessary data required to submit the accident information. This form is not designed to record details of other situations such as physical restraints unless an accident, injury or near-miss occurs as a result. If restraints need to be recorded it should be done at a local level.
Please report all incidents and near misses so we can ensure appropriate procedures are followed and any mitigating actions are followed up.
If you do not already have a B-Safe login and require one to view risk assessments and safe systems of work please complete the B-Safe access form.
Learn more
- Report An Incident – Microsoft Form
- B-Safe Accident Report – Data Collection Form
- Corporate Health and Safety Incident Report
- B-Safe Training Guides
- HS 003 Reporting of H&S Incidents Policy
CHSU contact details: email CHSU@somerset.gov.uk or phone 01823 355089