All results (98)
How can you protect colleagues against hazardous substances at work?
February 13, 2025Did you know all hazardous substances should be risk assessed by completing the F08 COSHH Assessment form? If you are reviewing products and considering using a new substance in the workplace you will need to complete a COSHH risk assessment form even…
Celebrating National Governors Awareness Day
February 12, 2025Thursday 13th February is National School Governors Awareness Day. Join the thousands of volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of children and young people in our community. School governors and trustees are one of the largest volunteer groups in the…
Children’s Mental Health Week
January 31, 2025Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 is taking place from 3-9 February 2025. This year, the theme is “Know Yourself, Grow Yourself” and Place2Be want to encourage children, young people and adults to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to…
The Health and Safety Service has published updated policies
January 27, 2025As part of the Council’s policy review programme, the Health and Safety Service has published updated policies on the Health and Safety Internet site. The following policies were reviewed: Risk Assessment Policy (supporting Guidance available) Responsibilities Policy Reporting and Investigating…
Why were fire door defects identified in your most recent fire risk assessment?
January 27, 2025Fire doors are essential for fire safety, performing several critical functions during a fire. Properly fitted fire doors limit oxygen, helping to suppress fires. Closed fire doors can withstand direct fire for a specified time, aiding evacuation and reducing damage.…
Severe Weather – Frequently Asked Questions
January 17, 2025This time of year often means more Cold health alerts where the forecast weather is likely to have minor impacts on health and social care services, and can lead to disruption in education delivery. You can see all the weather health alerts currently…
Asbestos awareness training
January 13, 2025As part of the asbestos management process for schools, at least 2 people from each school should have attended Asbestos Awareness Training. Please check that this is the case, if not contact to book the next session which is on…
What do Risk Ratings mean on a Risk Assessment?
December 17, 2024Overview The process of risk assessments is to document identified risks and the control measures to manage these risks. A key success to a risk assessment is to engage employees and individuals that may be affected by that activity or…
School trust fined after pupil injured in Finger Trapping incident
December 11, 2024A school trust in Surrey has been fined after part of a pupil’s finger was amputated. The five-year-old boy, a Year 1 pupil at Danetree Primary School in Epsom, had been leaving the toilet on 15 June 2022 when his…
Spotlight on Supporting Wellbeing and Work-Related Stress Policy
December 9, 2024Somerset Council is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its employees. The Council recognises that stress can damage the mental and physical health of its employees and proactively aims to increase wellbeing at work and will do…
Why it is important to report lost working time following an accident
December 5, 2024RIDDOR requires employers and others in control of premises to report certain accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences arising out of or in connection with work. If a member of staff is involved in an incident/accident at work that results in…
Spotlight on New and Expectant Parents
December 2, 2024The New and Expectant Parents Policy aims to reduce any identified risks to new and expectant parents and to provide practical guidance on measures to protect them. Somerset Council wants to ensure that all employees, who are new or expectant parents, are…
Christmas Safety
November 27, 2024We hope you have fun decorating your school this season and we want everyone to have a Happy Christmas, here are a few tips to help you stay safe: Electrical items such as Christmas lights are likely to have been…
Schools Dashboard for Civica: Making Property Compliance Management easier
November 20, 2024Somerset Councils Systems and Performance team have created a Schools Dashboard for Civica, with the aim of making property compliance management easier. This Dashboard allows schools to see overdue inspections and questionnaires, outstanding fire actions, inspections due in the next…
Does your school have a stage?
November 19, 2024Does your school have a stage? Whether it be a temporary stage or a permanent stage, as we approach Nativity Play season, here are some helpful checks you can do to make sure your stages are safe: Are there appropriate…
Legionella Risk Assessment Review & Update Request
November 14, 2024It is a requirement of Somerset Council’s Legionella Policy to request a Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA) review and update following the completion of any works which add, remove or modify any part of a buildings water system. The F19a Legionella…
Spotlight on Manual Handling (Objects)
November 11, 2024As an employer, Somerset Council is responsible, as far as is reasonably practicable to ensure that Manual Handling is carried out safely and in a manner that reduces the risk of injury. A key element to protecting employees and volunteers…
How to find your Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) and plan on Civica
November 5, 2024The Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) Report sits in the main Questionnaire area of Civica, then click the “Fire” tab. A list of your Questionnaires is displayed. Next, click Edit: Under Actions on the left-hand side menu, choose Print Questionnaire: Then,…
How Fire Risk Assessments are conducted
October 29, 2024This update from the fire safety team explains the way we carry out a Fire Risk Assessment and what to expect on the day. Prior to the assessment You will receive an email offering you a date and time for…
Charging lithium-ion devices, tablets, and laptops
October 24, 2024We are seeing more and more laptop charging units within our schools and they are a fantastic tool to help teach and learn. However, have you given consideration as to where they are stored and charged? If you intend to…