All results (98)
The Health and Safety Service has published updated policies
October 23, 2024As part of the Council’s policy review programme, the Health and Safety Service has published updated policies on the Health and Safety Internet site. The following policies were reviewed: Manual Handling (supporting Guidance available) Volunteer Fire Safety in the Workplace…
Forest Schools guidance
October 15, 2024The Health and Safety service has written new guidance for operating Forest Schools at their sites. It covers the principles of forest schools, risks, fire pit and fire safety, tool use and a health and safety checklist. Forest Schools should…
Helicopter landings at schools guidance
October 10, 2024Helicopter landings at schools are a non-standard risk and as a general rule Somerset Council prefer that schools discourage them. However, an exception is made in the case of armed forces helicopters, and some commercial helicopter companies, where there is…
Did you know you can use DFCG funds for fire safety equipment and improvements?
October 10, 2024The school’s allocation of DFCG can be used to purchase additional fire safety equipment and improvements. The school may also have Energy Efficiency grant available to spend. If this grant has not been committed for spend on Energy Efficiency it…
Why is it important to report accidents, incidents, acts of violence and near misses on EEC?
October 4, 2024Maintained schools within Somerset Council (SC) use European Educational Consultants (EEC) as their Health and Safety Management System. This system enables schools to compile risk assessments, record accidents and near misses, submit off-site visit applications for endorsement and provides the…
What should go into your Legionella folder?
October 2, 2024Normally the Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA) has a table of the contents to help keep your Legionella folder in order. Sites should be adding the results of their monitoring/testing under the records section, which may be completed by someone at…
Pond Safety Guidance
September 30, 2024Garden ponds are great! They’re nice to look at, good for wildlife… Unfortunately they’re not so good for young children. In fact, garden ponds are involved in more than half of all toddler drownings. Water holds a particular attraction for…
Football Heading Guidance
September 24, 2024The FA (Football Association) updated heading guidance in May 2024 for age groups under 6 and under 18. Although there was no evidence in the field study to suggest that heading the ball was the cause to the link with…
Safety Alert: Competence and safe use of woodworking and DT equipment
September 23, 2024A local authority has been sentenced after a technician lost his finger while operating a machine. A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation found West Sussex County Council, the local authority in charge of the school, failed to ensure the…
Gas Safety Week – Every Check Counts
September 9, 2024Gas Safety Week 2024 takes place 9th – 15th September and is an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety and the importance of taking care of gas appliances. It is coordinated by the Gas Safe Register, the…
External Visit Coordinator (EVC) and Premises Manager Training
September 6, 2024The new Somerset Council Outdoor Education Advice website includes guidance for schools and other education establishments on the planning, organisation and supervision of outdoor education and external visits. You can also find checklists, consent forms and links to book the…
The Health and Safety Service has published updated policies
September 2, 2024As part of the Council’s policy review programme, the Health and Safety Service has published updated policies on the Health and Safety Internet site. The following policies were reviewed: Working Alone Safely (supporting Guidance available) Radon (supporting Guidance available) Hand Arm Vibration…
Guidance around Non-Prescription or Over the counter Medication for Pupils
September 2, 2024Our education providers recognise that they have a responsibility to ensure that pupils with medical conditions are supported, can continue to enjoy learning, develop friendships and play. Through working in collaboration with parents they can ensure that, as much as…
Minibus Guidance Updated
August 30, 2024Somerset Council school’s Minibus Guidance has been updated. Eligibility to Drive a Minibus explains that following EU Directives, the County rules on the driving of school minibuses states that all drivers of minibuses, with post 1997 driving licences, should hold…
Swimming and Swimming Pool Guidance Updated
August 15, 2024We have reviewed Somerset Council school’s Swimming Guidance and the two appendices for pool owners (Swimming Normal Operating Procedures and Swimming Emergency Action Plan) have also been updated. When your NOP and EAP are due for review, please use the…
Water Wednesdays and Fire Fridays!
July 8, 2024What a great way to remember Health and Safety tasks – Water Wednesdays and Fire Fridays! St John’s Infant school in Glastonbury has this simple mantra and it really helps the team with their tasks and compliance. Midweek on a…
What should go into a school Grab Bag?
June 27, 2024Somerset Council is required by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to develop plans to manage business continuity in the event of a range of disruptions to services. By extension, Local Authority schools have the same obligation. No-notice disruptions are, by…
Training and Webinar recordings for EEC users
June 17, 2024When the Health & Safety Service conduct live training sessions, they are recorded and made into YouTubes which can then be accessed by school staff at a time convenient for them. Recent training sessions: External Visit Administrator (EVA) training recording…
Asbestos Incident at a PRU School in Somerset
June 14, 2024This article explains the importance of contacting our Asbestos team (Somerset Scientific Services) and following their advice if you discover exposed Asbestos in your school. What happened? At one of Somerset’s Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) settings, a student back heeled…
Frequently asked questions about cooking and selling food at events
June 6, 2024Frequently asked questions about cooking and selling food at events Q: We are organising a cake sale, and a parent is making the cakes, they will be labelled as homemade, with a list of allergens and ingredients and there is…