Is your Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA) in date?

In the most recent Legionella Guidance we have amended the frequency of these assessments. Under Core Offer, the facilitation of statutory servicing and compliance checks to plant and equipment now includes Legionella Risk Assessments. The formal risk assessment should be completed as follows:

•        Middle, Secondary and Special Schools – every 3 years

•        Primary Schools and Pupil Referral Units – every 5 years

Upon receipt of the LRA, attention should be paid to any recommended remedial work such as removing a dead leg pipe and which taps are highlighted as needing weekly flushing and the half-termly temperature checks.

Our Guidance sheet Legionella CYPD Info Sheet 39 contains templates for logging temperature checks, weekly flushing and showerhead descaling.

On Blackboard there are links to Legionella awareness training

Learn more:
Legionella Policy
Legionella Guidance

About this article

May 21, 2024

Pam Price