Somerset Council is required by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to develop plans to manage business continuity in the event of a range of disruptions to services. By extension, Local Authority schools have the same obligation.

No-notice disruptions are, by definition, impossible to predict. The Business Continuity Plan deals with the ones most likely to occur:

  • Loss of premises (through fire, flood etc.)
  • Loss of utilities (electricity, gas, water, fuel)
  • Failure of IT and telephony
  • Staff shortage

The impact of any serious disruption may manifest itself in terms of: delivery of education, safety/welfare, financial consequences; reputation damage; environmental consequences.

Further guidance on Business Continuity Plans in schools and educational establishments is available in the Department for Education document: Emergency planning and response for education, childcare, and children’s social care settings – GOV.UK

An emergency grab bag should be created to hold key information that will support the school in the event of an emergency/business continuity disruption. Depending on the nature of the disruption, this pack should be kept in a location that can be accessed at all times.

Suggested grab bag contents include:

Learn more:

Business Continuity Template School BC Plan Template
Dealing with major incidents and updating your Contingency Plan Template

Grab Bag

About this article

June 27, 2024

Pam Price