When the Health & Safety Service conduct live training sessions, they are recorded and made into YouTubes which can then be accessed by school staff at a time convenient for them.

Recent training sessions:

  • External Visit Administrator (EVA) training recording for EEC users: EVA Training
  • EEC training covering accident reporting, creating risk assessments and external visit planning: EEC Live Training

Face to face and virtual EVC training course dates bookable via SSE:

3rd October 2024 External Visits Coordinator

12th November 2024 External Visits Coordinator Virtual

22nd January 2025 External Visits Coordinator

Learn more:

External Visit Co-ordinator (EVC’s) common questions and training course dates
How to report an accident on EEC

Child completing high ropes wearing a safety harness and helmet

About this article

June 20, 2024

Pam Price