In January 2023, the HSE released an ebulletin regarding a fallen tree which resulted in prosecution and significant fines, but more tragically the death of a young girl. Tree safety guidance for schools has been written by the Grounds & Landscape Operations team.

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Tree management is something that the Corporate Health and Safety Unit (CHSU) Safety officers have been promoting during maintained school safety audits. In January 2023, the HSE released two ebulletins regarding fallen trees which resulted in prosecution and significant fines, but more tragically the death of a young girl, and life changing injuries to another. Both examples are relevant to our operations, one occurred at a first school in Newcastle, the other at a care home in Southampton.

It is the responsibility of the school to ensure trees are managed in an appropriate manner regardless of how many trees there are on the property. A thorough tree risk assessment-based survey should be carried out at regular intervals. There is no statutory specified frequency of inspection, but case law has set a widely accepted 2-year maximum cycle. With higher risk sites and areas where people frequent on a regular basis an annual inspection will be more appropriate. Hazards can be rated, enabling you to make sound decisions to maintain a safe environment for staff, pupils, and parents. These routine inspections need to be undertaken by a competent person of trees on school grounds. Tree surveys are not part of the main core offer and are a traded service.

Once you have the tree survey, you will need to engage the service of a competent person to carry out the remedial work in the report. These remedial actions will be based upon an assessment of the hazards and the risks posed by the tree. Most importantly you are duty bound to act upon guidance provided and ensure all high risks are minimised through this remedial action.

If you are concerned about trees on your school site and need further advice, contact the Grounds & Landscape Operations Team email:

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Large tree in a field

About this article

June 27, 2023

Pam Price