Fire doors are essential for fire safety, performing several critical functions during a fire. Properly fitted fire doors limit oxygen, helping to suppress fires. Closed fire doors can withstand direct fire for a specified time, aiding evacuation and reducing damage. Fire-resistant construction and doors keep escape routes clear of smoke, ensuring safe evacuation. Fire doors hold back fire, allowing time for evacuation and for firefighters to perform their duties.
Fire doors are classified as fire safety equipment by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) and are subject to the same requirements as other fire safety equipment, such as fire alarms and emergency lighting. Article 17 of the FSO states that any facilities, equipment, and devices provided must be subject to a suitable system of maintenance and maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order, and in good repair.
In recent years, the focus on the importance of fire doors has increased due to high-profile fires where the failure of fire doors resulted in lives being lost. These incidents could have been prevented if the fire safety equipment, like fire doors, had been maintained in good condition. Consequently, recent fire risk assessments have placed more emphasis on maintaining fire doors to a high standard, with further industry standards, guidance, and regulations expected to reinforce the importance of fire door maintenance. A fire risk assessment will highlight any deficiencies in compartmentation, including failures in fire doors.
The Fire Safety Team offer support on fire doors and can be contacted by email
This extract from our Fire Safety Policy Guidance explains how to inspect your fire doors and log on the F10 form “Fire door inspection and maintenance”.
Fire door Inspection Frequency
For all buildings, including commercial and industrial, the British Standard BS 9999 offers recommendations for fire door inspection intervals, suggesting that inspections should be carried out at least every 6 months for common property doors and every 12 months for sole occupancy doors. However, more frequent inspections may be necessary in high-traffic areas, buildings with specific risks, and newly occupied buildings during their first year of use.
Fire door maintenance and replacement
Any fire door found to be faulty or damaged must be promptly repaired or replaced. Failure to do so can compromise the compartmentation of the room or corridor it is designed to protect, potentially jeopardising safety for the occupants.