All results (95)
Introduction to Risk Assessment training
July 3, 2023There has been poor engagement and a low uptake in completing the new Introduction to Risk Assessment training course which was published in April and is available on The Learning Centre (TLC). This course has been designed to support employees…
Health & Safety Risk Assessment Guidance for Visually Impaired students
June 30, 2023The Health and Safety unit have collaborated with the Vision Support Team to produce guidance for creating risk assessments for visually impaired students. For access to education, it is important that students with visual impairment are considered, and risk assessments…
Tree Safety guidance
June 27, 2023In January 2023, the HSE released an ebulletin regarding a fallen tree which resulted in prosecution and significant fines, but more tragically the death of a young girl. Tree safety guidance for schools has been written by the Grounds &…
Introducing the Health and Safety chatbot
June 19, 2023The Corporate Health and Safety Unit (CHSU) has published a new Health & Safety chatbot to assist you with Health and Safety queries. CHSU’s chatbot is designed to assist with basic enquiries, guidance, polices and locating forms. Health and Safety…
How to report incidents, accidents and near-misses using B-Safe
June 9, 2023A Health and Safety incident refers to an accident, occupational ill health, a near-miss, a dangerous occurrence, an incident of work-related violence or a driving accident while on Somerset Council (SC) business. These incidents need to be recorded using SC’s…
Health & Safety Policy Update for Radon
June 7, 2023Radon monitoring for maintained schools and corporate buildings is now organised by the Somerset Council Property department using an external contractor. More information can be found in the updated Radon Policy Full Story Somerset Council (SC) ensures that radon is…
Civica Property recorded training session and FAQ’s
May 24, 2023The Systems and Performance team have recorded the training session to demonstrate Civica Property along with a short guide on how to use the system. FAQs: Q: With inspections, will we receive reminder emails when an inspection is due? Or…
Health and Safety Asbestos new guidance
May 17, 2023The Health & Safety unit in conjunction with The Asbestos Team in Scientific Services have produced two new documents for asbestos management in Somerset Council owned building. The Asbestos Emergency Procedure to be used when asbestos may have been accidently…
Training from the Corporate Health and Safety Unit for School Premises Managers and External Visit Co-ordinators (EVC’s)
April 27, 2023Training is available for School Premises Managers and is bookable through SSE , the next course is 22 May 2023. External Visit Co-ordinator training can also be booked through SSE EVC Training on 23 May and 20 June. The Corporate…
Health & Safety COSHH Risk Assessments and virtual training
April 19, 2023The latest Risk Assessment form for COSHH is available here: F08. A risk assessment needs to be completed for each cleaning and chemical product onsite and included in your COSHH folder. Use the safety data sheet and collaborate with your…
Schools Premises Managers news
April 19, 2023RAMIS, the Council’s risk management system has been extended to 1st June 2023. Civica Property (previously known as TechForge) will come on-line after that. Continue to use RAMIS to send in your Annual Declarations, Returns and outstanding Fire Risk Assessment…
Working at Height virtual awareness sessions for maintained schools
April 5, 2023A city council has been fined after a school caretaker died following a fall from a ladder, the CHSU are offering Working at Height virtual awareness sessions. Schools are reminded to complete a risk assessment for all working at height…
Finger Trapping Incident
March 20, 2023Corporate Property have recently been made aware of a property related incident which we wanted to share with you in order to raise awareness and reduce risk. A student’s fingers recently became trapped in the gap between an external metal…
Guidance on safe use of BBQ’s
October 20, 2021Please read the latest guidance on the safe use of barbecues.
Asbestos Management in Schools
October 20, 2020Please read the latest guidance on Managing asbestos in your school or college